Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Am I Changing??

Recently, I've got messages by people I respect so.. The contents written that I'm changing... I dont know whether I'm turning to bad or good.. It's influencing.... Nevertheless TQ for the reprimand....

Note: Every day, I never miss to pray the blessing for ummah.. I never want turning to be bad.. =)


  1. salam.

    insyaALLAH. kita sama2 berdo'a.
    jgn lupa do'a ni: Allaahumma yaa muqallibal quluub, tsabbit qalbii 'alaa diinik (Ya Allah, Dzat yang membolak-balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hatiku di atas agamamu).

    senyum :)

  2. syukran akhi Hamidi =) inshaAllah sy akn amalkan..

    sedang tersenyum =)
